Professor Wayne Kublalsingh’s almost unbearably sad situation in Trinidad got worse today. On the 19th day of his hunger strike against the route of the proposed Debe-Mon Desir highway, he has announced he will no longer accept medical care, has refused intravaneous drips and has sent away the ambulance hovering around him. The good professor looks set to die for his principles; and it looks like the government, as represented by PM KP-B and HNIC Jack Warner, are equally set to let him do it. I can’t bring
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Every now and then, Trinidad out-Trinidads itself, like the story in today’s Newsday of yesterday’s fracas in broad daylight in downtown Port of Spain between the parents of a one-year-old babe in swaddling clothes. Pictures showed the man and woman struggling over the child; the Nalinee Seelal story reported the child to be screaming all the while.
Contemplation of the event is likely to lead to this week’s TGIF column but, for now, let me say
My pardner Perry has the dubious distinction of being in the blog twice in a row. This time he’s in it, not for a wisecrack from his daughter about, “Once you go Barack”, but because of a book he sent me, “Knockemstiff”, a collection of connected short stories by a writer from Ohio named Donald Ray Pollock. My guess is you’ll be hearing a great deal more about Pollock; and watching anything he writes turned into movies, too. After quitting school at age 17, Donald Ray Pollock worked in a meatpacking plant for 32 years before
My pardner Perry’s daughter, Tara, came out with a good one last night, in celebration of the victory of the right side in the US Presidential election: “Once you go Barack, you can never go back”. Nice. Kids are getting cleverer nowadays; must be all the additives in the Chicken McNuggets.
But what a nice thought it is, that we’re waking up to day two of President Obama’s second term. (Well, it really
Been unwell for a few days, able to stay at my desk only long enough to make deadlines before retiring to bed and drifting in and out of sleep; and, since the only symptoms are muscular and bone aching, a nearly constant headache and the debilitating tiredness that seems to take strength from itself to bring on more weakness, I’m reckoning this is somehow tied to today’s events in the USA.
Having been made miserable by two of the last three American presidential election results, perhaps my subconscious is preparing me for the worst, in that, no