For the last few nights, my wife and I have been enjoying an English television series, watching two or three episodes back-to-back. It’s not grade A, life-changing television that is or approaches art and makes you ponder your own existence, like, say, the Sopranos or Breaking Bad or the English Office. It’s not even very high second-level stuff that occasionally of often touches the very highest peaks, like Gavin & Stacey or Boardwalk Empire. But the story is fairly strong, at least for all of season one, and the production values are extremely high and it is centred on the relationships between those with power - the English aristocracy who do nothing for their money, just have it to spend - and their servants. It is set in what the English tourism industry calls a “stately home”, from which the series takes its name. They are normally called “Something House”, like Chatsworth or Badminton House, but other names also feature, like Calke Abbey, Carlton Towers, Knowsley Hall or Wentworth Abbey, the name of the area in which the palatial home is set supplying the first word in its title.
Well, this particular series is very popular and you have probably have heard of it. It stars Maggie Smith in a wonderful secondary role that